Calling in the New & True

Sound familiar? Recognize a place in your life this is playing out? Solstice to the rescue!

Here we are once again, poised to enter a new phase of our own experience. The past few weeks have brought forward a theme around distraction. My attention has been drawn to areas of my own life where distraction had taken over in ways that were so subtle (and some not-so-subtle) I didn't realize how much energy I had given over to them and how much of my own growth and forward movement was being stifled. Once I looked at my life, beyond the distractions, areas that have felt stuck, stagnant and heavy, became spacious and full of possibilities.

Astrologer Lorna Bevan writes about this Solstice period:

“This next phase is going to be everything you’ve deeply longed for but probably nothing like you think it will be. For many of us, this will involve moving familiar missions/roles aside so that a brand new or new-level mission can be birthed from this new space. And in the process, life is rearranging itself…you are withdrawing your focus and attention from the things that used to matter to you, from distractions that you thought were important, in order to redirect all your energy to the New and True.”

The New and True. This resonated in a place beyond my mind, it landed directly in the knowingness of my heart. When we clear out distraction, we come into presence. It is in the state of presence that our awareness grows and expands to reveal the new and true in our life. This is how humans have long marked the shifts in the seasons, the subtle ways the light changes, the longer days or nights, the turning of the year - through presence and focused attention.

As you prepare for the Solstice gateway as a turning point in your life, it's a potent time to take a clear look at your distractions. You might be surprised at what emerges, here are a few areas to consider:

  • Habits & activities that don't cultivate increased joy & meaning

  • Concern with what others think about you & presenting a curated image to the world

  • Toxic or unbalanced relationships

  • Definitions of success that aren't your own

  • Your unique ways of tuning out and numbing pain or discomfort

  • Worry, doubt & fear

  • Social media and technology

Name your own distraction...there are plenty to choose from! In a world that largely functions on all of us remaining distracted by consumerism, responsibilities, media, the most powerful step we can take to create change is to reclaim our presence and take action to re-align our focus. Your greatest resource is your time and energy. Are the areas you devote your time and energy spaces that are as devoted to your own wellbeing, vitality and joy?

If the answer is a no, or even a probably not, then it's likely an energy leak. As you discover these leaks, seal them up with your focused attention on those areas of your life. Release whatever it is, with gratitude for the way it worked well for you at one time or another (or maybe it never did), and create space for the new and true to emerge.

You may not have big distractions in your life, if not, well done you! Use this message as an invitation to refine and fine-tune your focus. We can all benefit from increased clarity and intention around what we choose to give our attention and energy to. Trust me, there is something to this. I'm experiencing the very real and practical manifestations of this in my life as I identify and release the distractions. Just because something was not a distraction in the past, doesn't mean it hasn't become one. Allow this solstice gateway to bring you into alignment with the new and true you've been longing to experience.

May we all have a much better idea what's going on in our lives from here on out because we are present for the creation.


Time to Get Cozy


Forgetting to remember