Time to Get Cozy

Welcome to July! The first of two new moons and two eclipses will take place tomorrow. As I've been reading astrology, astronomy, and energy updates, I'm in awe of how many cycles and alignments are in the mix right now and in the weeks to come. In actuality, we are always navigating cycles, seasons, and chapters of life, but there is a lot of momentum to fuel your creations this month. Tuning into how to best surf the current waves, this quote from Yogi Bhajan feels spot on:

The greatest investment and greatest fair deal and enterprise is family, cozy homes. A cozy home is based on cozy people. Cozy people are not brought and imported, they are made from the time of birth to the time of infinity.

The new moon & solar eclipse on Tuesday is in the sign of Cancer - the place of home, family, emotions and tender spaces. This is a time to get cozy with yourself. To keep it real and truthful about the areas of your life that need your attention. As the solar eclipse brings us to a sudden moment of darkness, we can use this period to empty out and release, creating space to hold an increase of light and illuminate the path forward. Your spaces, both within and without, are your sanctuaries - the holiest of places in a world that is increasingly coming undone. Eclipse insights from astrologer Sara Varcas are helpful as we use these next weeks to consider ways we can become cozy people, more present and at home within ourselves:

We must be prepared to do our part and acknowledge, with candor, how we generate our own suffering. Self-awareness is key, and any feelings we choose to deny will continue to sabotage us as they too, reach for the light.

Taking full responsibility for every moment of our lives is a radical and terrifying act. It’s also exciting, liberating, and replete with potential. No more complaining. No one else to blame. No more self-pity. Just a state of pure intentionality in which we embody the power of fully being who we are.

Like sunlight that returns once the eclipse is done, we find illumination in the shadows, weaving from their darkness the resplendent threads of a radically sovereign life.

Here are some practical aspects to explore. Remember, no step is too small to start with:

  • What is one area of your life where you avoid the truth?

  • What can you clear out/tidy up in your physical space?

  • What heaviness/dead weight are you willing to set down?

  • What do you need to feel more nurtured, supported?

  • Think of the the coziest people and places you've experienced - which elements can you begin to bring into your own life and way of being?

As you cultivate a greater degree of coziness in your home, your life, and within yourself, it's essential to establish healthy boundaries to maintain the integrity of your sacred spaces. Boundaries will be key these next weeks as others project their discomfort or seek refuge with people and spaces that feel like the calm in the storm. Honor your YES and your NO. Trust your knowing about what is yours and what is not yours to take on. Pausing for a breath or taking step back from drama is self-care. Commit to doing what you need to for your own wellbeing.

No matter how stuck we may feel at times, there is always a choice to move in the direction of a radically sovereign and empowered life. We are living in times of great change, which includes a great unraveling. It's ok if what you thought was true in one moment requires new consideration when additional information arrives. Often people are faulted for changing their mind, but that's exactly what's needed. As we change our minds, we expand into the possibilities and knowingness that dwells in the heart.

Whatever shows up in your life these next weeks, look for the grace and get cozy with yourself. Time and again I'm reminded that what outwardly looks like a chaotic hot mess, is most often the path to greater freedom. The cozy people we are becoming, and the cozy spaces we are creating, are the foundation of a beautiful and joy-filled life. May we each have the courage this month to be present and gentle with ourselves in the unfolding.


Peace is a practice


Calling in the New & True